Calvary educational services provides accessible, flexible in-school support for schools, and their students.
Calvary Associates assist in situations that require specialized behavioural interventions with students who are experiencing extreme behavioural, emotional, psychological and developmental challenges.
Our service supports:
• Students in crisis situations
• Students moving from specialized programs back into the mainstream classrooms
• Interim behavioural plans and programs
• Teachers, school administrators and other professionals working with challenging students or situations
The support of our Associates enables teachers, resource and non-teaching staff, parents and students within schools and in the community to maximize learning successes.
We match our Associates knowledge, abilities and expertise with each setting and student’s needs.
• Full co-ordination for all service requests
• Flexible contracts ranging from a single day of support to full-time interim support services Direct Services
Classroom support
We support students, who are experiencing social/behavioural difficulties in the classroom,
for a limited time or ongoing.
School support Services
We offer immediate response to schools for students demonstrating extreme at-risk behaviour.
We assist in creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment throughout the school.